
news/2024/7/7 9:38:01

sample Codes:

'****  Author: Wally Yu (俞戴龙)
'***   Import common functions into report function   ****
Dim fso : set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
executeglobal fso.opentextfile("C:\Framework\FrameworkCore\Common\common.vbs", 1).ReadAll
executeglobal fso.opentextfile("C:\Framework\FrameworkCore\Common\report.vbs", 1).ReadAll
set fso = Nothing
'***   End of importing     ******************************

'On Error Resume Next

'###  Report dim area  ####
'On Error Resume Next
Dim StartTime, EndTime, stTime, enTime, ServerName
Dim testWorkBook, testCaseSheet, startSheet

testWorkBook = "c:\framework\testcase.xls"
testCaseSheet = "testcase"
startSheet = "start"

ServerName = "."  '****** Confirm Server Name before run test ********
runtime = Date & "-"& Hour(Now) & Minute(Now)& Second(Now)
runtime = changeString(runtime, "/", "-")
emailAddress = ReadExcelCell(testWorkBook, startSheet, 1,1)
StartTime = Timer
stTime = Time
LogReportFlag = True
Set oAutoIt = WScript.CreateObject("AutoItX3.Control")

'#####    initReport    #####
Call CreatFolderIfNotExist("c:\Framework")
Call CreatFolderIfNotExist("c:\Framework\report")
Call initReport("c:\Framework\Report", "c:\Framework\Report\"&runtime)

Set obj = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") 'Creates an instance of the QTP
call Mbox("Invoking QTP...",2,msgbox2)    
'WScript.Echo "Invoking QTP..."

obj.Visible = true
obj.WindowState = "Maximized" 'Maximizes the application window of the QTP


   If fso.FileExists(folderfile) Then
        Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(folderfile)
        s = f.ReadAll
        ExecuteGlobal s
   End If    

obj.open "c:\framework\frameworkcore\core data\test"

call Mbox("Loading library files into QTP scripts...",2,msgbox3)    
'WScript.Echo "Loading library files into QTP scripts..."

Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 'open Excel Application
Set oWorkbook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(testWorkBook)
Set oWorksheet1 = oWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(startSheet) 'Set up the worksheet
'Set url = oWorksheet1.cells

obj.Test.Environment.Value("gbl_emailAddress") = oworksheet1.textbox1.text

'obj.Test.Environment.Value("gbl_app") = oWorksheet1.ComboBox1.text
'obj.Test.Environment.Value("gbl_app_url") = oworksheet1.range("G21").text

gbl_emailAddress = oworksheet1.textbox1.text
'gbl_app = oWorksheet1.ComboBox1.text


oWorkbook.close FALSE
set oExcel = Nothing

Set qtLibraries = obj.Test.Settings.Resources.Libraries ' Get the libraries collection object

If qtLibraries.Find("c:\framework\frameworkcore\Common\main.vbs") = -1 Then
    qtLibraries.Add "c:\framework\frameworkcore\Common\main.vbs", 1
End If
'If qtLibraries.Find("c:\framework\frameworkcore\Common\core data\action.vbs") = -1 Then
'    qtLibraries.Add "c:\framework\frameworkcore\Common\core data\action.vbs", 1
'End If
If qtLibraries.Find("C:\Framework\FrameworkCore\Common\Globalvariable.vbs") = -1 Then
    qtLibraries.Add "C:\Framework\FrameworkCore\Common\Globalvariable.vbs", 1
End If    
If qtLibraries.Find("C:\Framework\FrameworkCore\Common\Report.vbs") = -1 Then
    qtLibraries.Add "C:\Framework\FrameworkCore\Common\Report.vbs", 1
End If
If qtLibraries.Find("C:\Framework\FrameworkCore\Common\Common.vbs") = -1 Then
    qtLibraries.Add "C:\Framework\FrameworkCore\Common\Common.vbs", 1
End If

'Set qtTestRecovery = obj.Test.Settings.Recovery

'qtTestRecovery.Add "C:\Framework\FrameworkCore\Common\Recovery.qrs", "MIE1", 1
'qtTestRecovery.Add "C:\Framework\FrameworkCore\Common\Recovery.qrs", "MIE2", 2
'qtTestRecovery.Add "C:\Framework\FrameworkCore\Common\Recovery.qrs", "MIE3", 3
'qtTestRecovery.Add "C:\Framework\FrameworkCore\Common\Recovery.qrs", "MIE4", 4

'' Enable all scenarios
'For intIndex = 1 To qtTestRecovery.Count ' Iterate the scenarios
' qtTestRecovery.Item(intIndex).Enabled = True ' Enable each Recovery Scenario (Note: the 'Item' property is default and can be omitted)
'' Enable the recovery mechanism (with default, on errors, setting)
'qtTestRecovery.Enabled = True
''Ensure that the recovery mechanism is set to be activated only after errors
'qtTestRecovery.SetActivationMode "OnError"
'OnError is the default, the other option is "OnEveryStep".

call Mbox("Running Qtp in Silent Mode...",2,msgbox4)
'WScript.Echo "Running Qtp in Silent Mode..."

obj.Test.Run 'Runs the script


call Mbox("QTP script execution completed...",2,msgbox5)
'WScript.Echo "QTP script execution completed..."

obj.Test.Close ' Close the test
call Mbox("Closing Qtp....",2,msgbox6)
'WScript.Echo "Closing Qtp...."
obj.quit 'Close QTP
'Call CloseIE() 'close IE

'#####    endReport    #####
Call EndReport("c:\Framework\Report")
'####     emailReport    #####

WScript.Sleep (9000)
Call CloseIE() 'close IE
'Call CloseExcels()

Set oautoIt = Nothing



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